A review by plantbirdwoman
A Vile Justice by Lauren Haney


The more time I spend with Lieutenant Bak of the Medjay police in the time of queen Hatshepsut of Kemet (ancient Egypt) the better I like him. He and his companions seem very believable and the picture that is painted in these books of daily life in Egypt seems at least based in fact. Who can know what it was really like to live in that land, and yet such tales as this do give us an inkling, I think.

In this story, Bak must unmask a mass murderer in order to save the unworthy life of a local governor. As with the last book, I solved the mystery long before Bak, but it was fun to watch the process by which the lieutenant tied up all the loose ends and finally came to the correct conclusion.

As ancient Egyptian mystery series go, this one is a worthy entry.