A review by northernatlas
The Enchanted Places by Christopher Milne


Inspired by the film, 'Goodbye, Christopher Robin', my last research paper for my first semester of postgrad classes has been an analysis of the ways in which real children are utilized for the promotion of cultural products. Christopher Milne was perhaps the poster child for such an analysis, and thankfully had been a writer in his later years. He wrote lyrically, stories of his own memories and childhood, from his own perspective. Though not as vehement as some interviews and journalists have made it sound, and not nearly as nostalgic as we may expect, C. R. Milne was able to guide readers delicately through those publicized memories, poems, and moments that are familiar to many Winnie-the-Pooh fans. Recommended reading for anyone who enjoys memoirs, English history, and those who won't find themselves completely disillusioned by the younger Milne's disenchantment with the stories that made him so famous.