A review by krishnaanujan
A Sort Of Life by Graham Greene


I tried to like this book. I have liked Graham Greene's fiction in the past - Journey without Maps and Travels with my aunt were heartwarming and witty. But this memoir didn't go down easy and I found many parts just not very relatable or interesting.
There were definitely parts that shone through a beautiful inner world and an admirable self-awareness - where he talks of the long winding road of being a writer beyond the "break" of a first book. The admission in the beginning that he wants to render his memoir not in a sense of irony belittling his past self but owning it - was also a gem of a thought. And for these, I give it 2 stars.
But beyond this, I found myself uninterested in the details of his life. Many people and events in his world were so specific and needed much more explanation for me than I was willing to loook up. I was tempted to give it one more star because I read a beautiful hard bound copy with large lettering, with pages that smelled good. But the merit of this does not go to the author.