A review by corey
Bad Teeth by Dustin Long


A funny, well-written, meticulously plotted novel, and my introduction to the work of Dustin Long (I've yet to read Icelander, but I probably will soon). I've heard a lot of comparisons of this books to Pynchon and to Infinite Jest, but in a lot of ways it reminded me of The Broom of The System. The biting humor, the exploration of constructed meaning (culminating in some pretty nihilistic conclusions), the self-conscious-but-not-overly-pretentious style... And I mean all of that as an enormous compliment, as I'm quite a fan of The Broom of The System.

Maybe I'll write more about this book later, but Karen's review is already pretty great, and besides, I'm tempted to avoid blemishing this fine novel by talking about it too much.