A review by whit_brantley
Ein Traum von Hoffnung by Terah Edun


Hello Lovelies!

Let's start with the obvious, this cover is stunning, and it fits the mental image of Ciardis conjured by the author's description. Ciardis' fiery attitude makes her a witty and enjoyable protagonist and also seems to get her into quite a bit of trouble. I find her relationship with Sebastian, the prince, to be both exciting and fun as it is full of sibling-like banter and adventure. Aside from Ciardis and Sebastian, Edun has supplied supporting characters who, while not as dimensional, provide entertaining dialogue and help guide Ciardis in her journey to become a Companion.

Being a Companion appears to be an interesting and diverse occupation that both genders can be appointed to. While some Companions also become spouses, the position does not require romantic or sexual interaction. Companions are valuable, life-long acquisitions that provide their patrons with different skills and magical talents, although not all Companions possess magic. Ciardis' arrival to the Guild and the discovery of her rare Weathervane origins make her a particularly prized asset eagerly sought after by all.

I enjoy the world that Sworn To Raise takes place in. Magic interacts with both the land and the individuals in a new way. For example, weather mages can manipulate their magic into spells that maintain the temperature of an area, most commonly a room, and create a sort of air conditioning. I thought this to be a clever form of climate control! It's exciting to discover the various talents among the different types of mages introduced throughout the novel, and I'm sure that Sworn to Raise only scratches the surface of the different magical abilities in Edun's world. In an hierarchical society usually ruled by a king and succeeded by a male heir, I was also surprised and delighted to find out that families take the last names of their mothers.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this book. For a free ebook, there were minimal errors and the writing was fairly elevated. I thought the story line was creative and thrilling. I already own books two and three of the Courtlight series (seven books) and am looking forward to purchasing the other books. I recommend Sworn To Raise (free Kindle download here) to any reader looking for a lively adventure!

-Whimsical Whit