A review by 1outside
Drastic Measures by Dayton Ward


The book was a bit too exhaustive in the descriptions of the character's inner life, and the dialogue bordered on "people don't talk that way" sometimes, but other than that it served well developing Prime Lorca and Georgiou's characters. Lorca, we of course, never got to meet, Georgiou only shortly (but for long enough that I became a fan of her...as amusing and well acted as the emperor is, I still hands down prefer the captain).

I suppose I could have done without Kodos's being involved in the inner thoughts narrative, don't think it really brought too much light to WTF he was on about - though I admit it did fit with the shifting perspective method of the book, which helped move the story along. But I definitely don't think the epilogue was needed, it only spelled out what the reader figured out on their own anyway.

And yes, there was no need to tie in Lorca and Georgiou into TOS stories, but other than my caveats above, I think the book did well what it set out to do, and I for one am glad I got to meet and understand Prime Lorca and spend some more time with Prime Georgiou.