A review by betaadamantium
Legacy, Book 5: Secrets by Jo Graham, Melissa Scott


THINGS FINALLY HAPPEN OMG. Wasn't terribly surprised to get confirmation that the Wraith were created by the Ancients, as I've never really seen the Ancients as good beings. They don't give a shit about humans, they see humans as lower than pets, just there to worship them and serve as guinea pigs. Hell, the Ori don't seem quite so bad now, do they?

Kind of bothered by Ronon's reaction to Rodney. Yes, I know, Ronon has a hatred for all things Wraith, but it's Rodney. Rodney has come back to himself and was keeping himself from feeding on Jennifer until Jennifer insisted. I don't think Ronon needs to hug him and be all best pals again, but his avoidance just rubbed me the wrong way.

LOVED Todd seeing Jack and Sam together and noting that Jack is Sam's Consort. He's always seemed confused that Carter had Sheppard without being her Consort, because that's not how the Wraith do things. It was just a cute little moment.

About died of the cute when Todd got to see Alabaster again. It's amazing how humanizing this series has been to the Wraith, giving us insight into their culture and their history. I don't feel 100% bad for them, but I'm feeling sympathy after what the Ancients did.