A review by briandice
Squandering the Blue: Stories by Kate Braverman


Twelve short stories, crafted with acute attention to constructing the perfect sentence, the willful sentiment. "Tall Tales from the Mekong Delta" was by far my favorite, a combination of O'Connor's devil in "A Good Man is Hard to Find" and a West Coast Tama Janowitz heroine.

Blue is a common motif threaded through each story, and while Braverman is a fantastic author I think I should have perhaps spaced out the reading of the stories over more days - the booze/drug fueled women-on-the-verge, dealing with daughters that hate and men that abandon are present in every story, making the collection bleed into one. A friend gave a high recommendation for [b:Lithium for Medea|37785|Lithium for Medea|Kate Braverman|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1391042449s/37785.jpg|37587], that will be my next Braverman.