A review by kitvaria_sarene
Dying Is My Business by Nicholas Kaufmann


While Dying is my Business isn't flawless, but it is a very entertaining and action packed urban fantasy!

I'm always happy to find UF that isn't actually paranormal romance, so I'm glad this one somehow showed up on my radar, even though it sadly is a series that's been dropped by the publisher, so there's only two books, and no actual end to the series as far as I found.

I have a big love for gargoyles (as you might guess from my collectors figure...) so I was delighted to have them feature in here! And they aren't the only creatures to be found... Vampires, magicians, necromancers, charms, lie detecting little critters, homunculi - this book has a lot of teh fantastical and magical. And I'm here for it! As much as I enjoy a low fantasy, at times I want the wild ride with all the ideas, and I definitely got that here.

I really enjoyed Trent as a main character, though I just say some of the other characters stayed a bit two dimensional, and felt more like props than real people. The tone and voice of the story itself, revolving around the mystery behind Trent's special ability to just not stay dead, more than made up for it though, so it didn't bother me too much. It's not a comedy, but it has its funny moments, it's not super dark, but definitely has some dark parts, and I quite liked how it balanced itself out between the exteemes.

At times Trent was a bit too slow on the uptake, or the foreshadowing too heavy handed, so I had to sigh and wait for him to catch up.

Overall I was still hooked as I so wanted to find out about his past, and I'll definitely buy the second book as well - and who knows, if enough people buy them, maybe there'll be a third book after all!