A review by kellyjcm
Split Image by Mel Glenn

Mel Glenn uses the verse novel to great effect, developing Laura Li's character so vividly. The story really captures how the public face a person shows does not tell the whole story of an individual's life. 

Outwardly, Laura Li is the ideal student, the perfect daughter, a popular, kind girl. Inwardly, she feels thwarted by her mother, stifled by her family obligations, and lonely. She dreams of college, but knows it is not a path open to her. She loves to dance, but must sneak out for any opportunities.

Besides Laura Li, secondary characters are well developed, and I was very interested in the way each perceived Laura's words and actions to fit their own views. 

This has been circulating really well ever since I moved it into the fiction section. Word of mouth has it out almost constantly. Teens are really drawn to the exploration of identity, the characters' relationships, and the writing.