A review by pjonsson
Bound by Blood by Terry Mixon, Glynn Stewart


I wasn’t too thrilled by Bound by Honor, the previous installment in this series. The first three installments was great and all circled around Brad Madrid and his team of vigilantes. They are great characters that I really took a liking to right away and so was the story and the plentiful action.

Bound by Honor however dipped down in a bunch of political scheming, backstabbing, conspiracies and all that crap that I really don’t like. This one is, of course, a continuation of that but now the sides are more clear and we’ve gone from in the dark backstabbing to outright war.

Needless to say there is plenty of well done military action in this book. The story is quite well written and I really like the kick-ass main protagonist. He’s as good in kicking ass the old-fashioned way as he is in running a battleship and planning fleet strategy. He is also absolutely honest and honorable. My kind of hero.

Another good thing with this book is of course that the bad guys are getting a good ass whooping. It’s not a walk in the park for our heroes of course but still, the asswipes that started all of this are having a worse day.

This book appears to be the last in the series. At least the last in this story arc. I personally would actually not mind if the author(s) started a new story arc in this universe. It is a well done universe and it is a little bit, not unique perhaps, but still out of the usual science fiction fare in that there’s no FTL and wild rides between stars and all that. Maybe that is what makes the fleet action so likable. The ships have to stay closer to the confines of physics as we know it today and the maneuvers and strategy feels more realistic.