A review by theknepper
Modern Grimmoire: Contemporary Fairy Tales, Fables & Folklore by Michael Harris Cohen


Thirty-six authors and artists create this anthology of chilling stories, dark poetry, and wonderfully, unsettling illustrations. Some of the works were disturbing, some were haunting, and a few, in true fairytale fashion, had a happily ever after. With a mixture of new tales and new takes on old classics, this book provides a fresh perspective on stories we all know and love and several unique stories that have their place alongside their timeless counterparts.

Not a single work in this compilation disappointed me, but there were, of course, some stand outs. Among my favourites were legends of a night girl, a cat-girl, an ex-court painter, a queen whose love is “unshatterable”, a library with terrifying secrets, an enchanting music box, a woman with a symbiotic relationship with her hair, a girl and a cat who forge an unlikely friendship, a “sweet” little woman, a man on a unicycle, and a cursed sleeping girl. Also, there is very familiar yarn of a brother and sister happening upon a house in the woods, this time with names Henry and Gerta, plus, a long awaited account of the pea’s side of the story.

The subtitle is apt: Contemporary Fairy Tales, Fables, and Folklore. This is a modern collection we can enjoy and share with future generations. Hopefully, like their predecessors the Brothers Grimm, these authors’ tales will stand the test of time.

I received a free copy of this book through Goodreads First Reads.