A review by monadh
Dragon King Of Treoir by Dianna Love


Here be Dragons: Urban Fantasy with exciting combination of action and mystery elements set in Atlanta

I’ve been a fan of Dianna Love’s exciting and multi-layered UF series set in Atlanta from the start and so far I have not been disappointed. Dragon King of Treoir is the 8th installment and heralds a new direction for the series. But before we go into that I have to stress that Dragon King is not a standalone, but very much builds on all the previous books of the series and without having read them it would be difficult to understand what is happening. From the beginning the series was set up as an ensemble piece with the interlocking fates of the three main protagonists Evalle, Tzader and Quinn, the history of the Beladors and the VIPER coalition which functions as a sort of policing force keeping the various supernatural factions in check and hidden from the majority of the human population.

In the previous book, Rogue Belador (Belador #7) Tzader was finally re-united with his Belador Princess Brina. The Goddess Macha was ousted from Treoir and the Gryphons freed Daegan, the dragon king, who had been cursed by Maeve into immobility to serve as her throne. The book ended with Maeve having cunningly maneuvered the tribunal into ruling that Quinn would be compelled to hand over the body of Kizira, his lover who was also a Medb priestess reluctantly serving Maeve and who had died saving his life during the battle over Treoir.

After previous books have seen Evalle finding love with Storm and Tzader finally getting his princess this book focuses on Quinn. Racked by guilt and sorrow Quinn entombed the body of his Kizira instead of burning it and scattering the ashes. Now he hast two days before he has to deliver it to Maeve who wants it to gain information through necromancy. The body might indeed hold crucial information and Quinn does not know what to do. But Maeve is not the only one who wants the body, and while Quinn is busy acting as maistir two other factions try to get their hands on the body while there is also an increase of supernatural attacks in Atlanta that the Beladors as part of the VIPER coalition have to deal with…

I have to admit that I felt heart-broken for Quinn when Kizira sacrificed herself to save him. But with many characters coming back from certain death and re-incarnating I was holding out hope for a happy end for Kizira and Quinn, but it has become clear that it is not to be. Instead there is a new character, who, though hurt herself, manages to shake Quinn out of his sorrow by her irreverent ways.

I really like the direction that the assession of Daegan to the throne of Treoir and the introduction of new characters have given to the plot. I can’t wait to find out where the story is going to go next and whether Quinn will find love again. The end seems very promising.

This is one of my favorite Urban Fantasy series. I love the Atlanta setting, the various supernatural beings with their different types of powers and magic, the combination of fantasy, action and mystery elements and that the story is following the fates of different protagonists that are all connected to each other.