A review by tearsofphoenix
The Dancer by Elin Peer


Before this book, I was dying to know Willow and Solo's story. Their love was so pure and innocent.

After this book, I wished Solo chose another woman than Willow. Its like she did a 180, becoming hateful and vindictive. Saying that she prefered if he died, threatening to accuse him of false rape or lying about him touching her when she knows the penalty for that was death. She lied and hurt him so many times until he was isolated from everyone who treated him like shit. He never deserved any of that. He got alot of shit from everyone that he never deserved.

It was too much. I couldn't enjoy any of their romantic scenes where she would tease and ask him to touch her while hating his guts. Honestly, he deserved so much better.

I wish the author didn't choose this route. She absolutely hated him for 80% of the book and only after that, she changed her mind in a blink of an eye. It ruined the story for me.