A review by stephxsu
Runaway by Meg Cabot


At long last comes the final book in the AIRHEAD trilogy, and it closes this series with a satisfactory bang. Everything you love about Meg Cabot is here—the voice, the boys, the romance, the misunderstandings—and the ending is clever without being seeming overly plotted, shocking yet unforced.

As is typical of Meg Cabot’s books, everything is wrapped up nicely without overexcessive drama and writing. Em’s down-to-earth attitude paired with Cabot’s usual “teen girl” voice—y’know, the tangents? the silly yet sweet assumptions and misunderstandings?—provides for a great narrator. As this is the last of a trilogy, I have to say that the ending was good, if not, perhaps, worth getting through two books of mostly drivel to get to this point. It’s shocking, it’s smart, and it’s totally plausible within the realm of Em’s world.

The biggest problem that remains with me after reading this trilogy is that this could’ve easily been a one-book storyline, and RUNAWAY does give the impression that Cabot intentionally stretched it into a trilogy for financial reasons. Still, fans of the AIRHEAD series will love the way the plot develops throughout the course of these three books. If you’ve made it through BEING NIKKI, then you should definitely read RUNAWAY: it’ll satisfy all your questions and leave you content.