A review by literarymusingsbypatty
Shattered by Jeri Smith-Ready


This was a perfect compliment to Jeri Smith-Ready's already awesome Shade series.

I had been putting off reading Shattered because quite honestly I wasn't ready to let go of the Shade series. I didn't want to say good-bye to Aura and Zachary and Logan and so many of the other wonderful characters that I've come to love and cherish. I knew that reading Shattered was going to be bittersweet and even a bit gut-wrenching. And boy was I right.

Shattered is a story unlike anything I've read recently. It's a story that is raw and brutal. It's a story that will have your heart aching. But it is also a story full of hope and full of love, and not necessarily the romantic kind of love. In this story I found a new favorite character in the Shade series: Martin.

Martin is one of those characters that you want to come alive. He's a character that one hopes really is out there somewhere. He demonstrates what it means to be a true friend. What it means to have someone who really cares for another person. To me Martin is the perfect friend.

Jeri has written a novella that is more than just a side dish to a great series. It's a novella full of depth in both the characters and their struggles. It makes you think and look at PTSD, as something that is both debilitating and something that can be overcome.

If you have yet to check out the Shade series, what are you waiting for? Go now! :)

Note: I'd like to thank Jeri for providing this as a free novella to her readers.