A review by misssusan
Bakuman, Volume 14 by Tsugumi Ohba


Ohba and Obata, you two are manga traditionalists? You don't say!

So this is the volume where we find out the great villain – the worst thing our heroes have ever faced! -- is the prospect of crowdsourcing manga. Idk double O, it looks like it worked out pretty well for Homestuck. The dude representing this horrifying concept is named Nanamine and he is an arrogant manipulative dick. It's a shame because if you changed just a couple of things about that description – drop the assholery, make the dude a lady – he could totally have been my favourite! I'm really not opposed to the idea of shaking up the manga industry as it is portrayed in this series. Screw the gatekeepers, there's so much interesting stuff out there traditional publishing refuses to take. (Though not the way it's framed in this story, blah blah blah the untrustworthiness of man oh gosh so shocking. So transgressive! Guys please stop patting yourselves on the back for Death Note, we all get you think it was the greatest thing to ever happen to Jump) Plus the crowd Nanamine hangs with sounds kind of like reddit so. Gross. 3 stars