A review by sylviabaum
Ambush by James O. Born, James Patterson


On the whole, I like the Michael Bennett series. This one keeps you turning the pages because the contract killer, Alex, is very good at her job. It's a fast read and quite exciting. I gave it a four star, only because of the reasons below. Otherwise, it's good and entertaining.

I have a hard time believing that Alex chose to be in this profession. But then, I don't know anything about Colombia or the culture, lifestyle there. So, I'll just accept that. She appears to be an assassin with some sort of work ethics--she only kills for money; doesn't like to kill innocents or women or children unless it's absolutely necessary.

One thing that really bugs me is that the Bennett children appear to be taught by nuns. I have nothing against nuns. In fact, I love them. I had sisters in my school. Unfortunately, my kids didn't have any sister teaching them in our Parish school. Most Catholic schools I know are staffed by a majority of laypeople. If a school is fortunate to be run by an order, you might see a handful of sisters. Well, it's just something that annoys me. It doesn't really have any effect on the story.