A review by livres_de_bloss
Fall of Poppies: Stories of Love and the Great War by Heather Webb, Hazel Gaynor, Beatriz Williams


Overall thoughts: I didn't like this. It was full of lame, saccharine "romance" stories only loosely connected to the war (usually with the war simply provided as a background for a cheesy romance). I thought this would have more substance. This is written for bored housefraus that want to over-romanticize war and experience nothing of the realities of it. If I'd known this was romance, I wouldn't have bothered with it.

I've broken this review down into brief sections on each story. My average rating for this collection of stories is 2.11 which is pretty terrible.

Daughter of Belgium: 2-stars
Amélie wasn’t particularly bright or endearing. The fact that she goes from hyper-aggressive with Lars to swooning in a few short pages was rather lame.

The Record Set Right: 2-stars
A colossal misunderstanding that leaves the reader wondering what the whole point of the story actually was.

All for the Love of You: 3-stars
Trite dialogue aside, this was a sweet story. I liked Daisy a great deal!

After You’ve Gone: 1-star
This was ridiculously bad: unbelievable and completely melodramatic.

Something Worth Landing For: 3-stars
This story was a bit more interesting and engaging than its predecessors. The circumstances of the “romance” where far-fetched but at least they were different.

Hour of the Bells: 2-stars
Trite with a cop-out ending.

An American Airman in Paris: 2-stars
This is just lewd. The story isn’t all that interesting; it’s just graphic sexual descriptions.

The Photograph: 2-stars
The plot was very weak and I didn’t find the story engaging or interesting.

Hush: 2-stars
I’d totally rurn out of steam by this point. This just felt like more of the same. It was “okay” but nothing that I’ll remember.

This book was a true slog and I'm glad to be done with it.