A review by dutchlauren
Blood on My Hands by Todd Strasser


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Blood On My Hands is a YA murder mystery novel that constantly keeps you in suspense as we try to find out who the killer is, and why our main character, the #1 suspect is being framed.

Although I really enjoyed this book, it wasn’t anything new to me. It’s actually quite cliché. The most popular and rich girl in school is murdered, and the one friend with the fucked up family and dodgy past is the number #1 suspect. It doesn’t take long for us to realise that none of the Rich Bitch’s friends actually liked her, which can make anyone a suspect.

The book switches between present time—Callie hiding from the police and trying to find the real murderer—and past—flashbacks that led up to the reveal of the real killer. I liked being able to read a bit of all the characters’ backstory, it added even more mystery to what was already there. Every now and then there’s a little bit of dialogue in italic that didn’t make much sense to me, and didn’t seem to have much to do with the story.

+: Written by a male author, but with a female protagonist.

Overall, Blood On My Hands is a good murder mystery novel for young adults, full of shocking twists.