A review by faysieh
About Last Night by Adele Parks


This was a funny book following the exploits of a long established relationship between Steph and Pip. Steph seems to have it all, three lovely boys and a hard working, high earning husband. Pip on the other hand, attracted to 'bad boys' has hardly had it easy on the relationship front and her husband walked out leaving Pip a single mother to Chloe.
Steph is far more organised than Pip and has always been on hand to lend support, help her out of scrapes, provide a roof over her head and share babysitting duties as well as all the joys and challenges that life throws at them. It is a friendship that is as strong, safe, reliable as the decades it has lasted. Nothing could ever test those bonds to breaking point, could it?
This novel explores marriage, how relationships change over time and how we can cause more damage to those relationships by trying to protect others.
Funny, silly, but full of warmth, what happens to Pip, Steph, Steph's husband Jules and Steph's friend Subash is entertaining, ordinary but fascinating if you like to read about what makes us human. The other hilarious element in this novel is Kirsten, shallow, mercenary, ridiculous, and serial mistress to men old enough to be her father. Where does she enter Pip and Steph's story and why?
Predictable, but the characters are so well written that it is very easy to love each one and empathise with their decisions and actions, including the new love interest for Pip, Scots fertility nurse Robbie.
All in all a humorous, very enjoyable read.