A review by adelaidemetzger_robotprophet
Spider-Man: Dying Wish by Richard Elson, Dan Slott


I'm so new to this.

I'm very selective of what comic books I decide to try out--and I haven't touched a Spiderman comic since Bendis was still writing Ultimate Spiderman.

This one was pretty good. Not amazing-blow-me-ouf-of-the-water-my-mind-is-reeling good. But it gave me a reason to enjoy a Spiderman comic again and I really felt for the characters. I'll admit it (without spoiling anything), what this comic is doing to change Spiderman as we know it is very uncomfortable. Like, when it's revealed what's going on near the beginning of this volume I was pretty conflicted about whether I wanted to see the end result of this feud between Peter and Octavius. But I don't believe in DNFing and I book-swapped this with my sister, so I had to finish it.

For hardos who hate change, I would not recommend reading this book. But for those who can accept that the Spiderverse is made of multiple timelines with different Spiders, and for someone who is hungry for a new take on "Peter gets bitten and obtains powers," I would say this one is worth a read.

Continuing on with this series will determine if I find it worth actually purchasing, but I am willing to continue with Superior Spiderman--especially with how this one ended.