A review by we_are_all_mad_here26
Weighed in the Balance by Anne Perry


Rather extreme dislike of William Monk continues and I HAVE GOT TO KNOW whether the author will ever resolve this.

This may have been my least favorite so far in the series. Monk still regularly noticing how beautiful women can't seem to help but notice him, getting distracted completely by said beautiful women, and this time actually resents the people who have paid for him to go off and mingle with beautiful women. People continue to have 'aquiline' noses or noses that are too long, sensitive mouths, etc.

A very charming train of thought by Monk: "He was so much more attracted to women who were fun, uncritical, charming; who knew when to speak, how to flatter and laugh, how to enjoy themselves; who knew how to be vulnerable in the little things it was so easy to supply, and yet not discard the great things, the sacrifices which cost too much, asked of the fabric of his nature and his dreams."


I like the atmosphere of these books, I love Hester and Rathbone, and things generally get pretty page-turning in the last half. Thus on to #8.