A review by thebooktrail88
The Crow Garden by Alison Littlewood



Visit the locations in the novel The Crow Garden

Gothic atmosphere, set in an asylum in the midst of the Yorkshire Moors….mesmerism in theatres in London? Well this couldn’t be more atmospheric if it tried. Having loved the Little People, I was keen to read this one and it’s a unique world Alison draws, thats for sure. She approaches the shockingly true story of how women could so easily be taken into asylums on the word of their husbands. The scenes – for this novel reads like a series of scenes dimly lit with the sound of candles crackling in your ear, are horrific and even disturbing.

The author also uses many literary references in the novel -with poets Brown and Byron being used to show each of the main characters personalities. The world of mesmerism is drawn with detailed and disturbing words and the overall effect for me was chilling, disturbing and a darn good gothic read.