A review by pattyfgd
Another Man's Poison by Jo-Ann Lamon Reccoppa


Another Man's Poison
The Jersey Girl Mysteries, Book 3
By: Jo-Ann Lamon Reccoppa
Narrated by: Meghan Kelly

It's definitely the Jersey girl in me that has me addicted to this series! Colleen Caruso is a character I can understand and relate to. Her no nonsense attitude is exactly who I am! In this mystery, she is in dire need of solving who tried to poison her boss and boyfriend, Ken Rhodes! Who in the world would be in the restaurant at the time, and get the poison on his dinner? Lucky for him, Colleen is on the case. With a cast of quirky characters, an abundant amount of suspects and a woman with her nose to the ground, unafraid and ready to do what it takes to find the suspect, Ken is in good hands! I loved the twists and turns, the look back at the previous murder and just how it all ties together. Jo-Ann Lamon Reccoppa knows how to write for this Jersey Girl and she keeps me coming back for more!

Meghan Kelly is our story teller, and what a fabulous job she does. She is always amazing, and for this she keeps consistent voices for all the character from previous books which makes the listen that much better! Her comedic timing that brings that humor in is spot on and she knows how to deliver the spunkiness of Colleen. Loved every minute of this book!