A review by melbsreads
Blood on My Hands by Todd Strasser


Trigger warnings: murder, parental abuse, bullying.

Oh jeez. This sounded like it was going to be a pretty intriguing YA thriller, albeit slightly Christopher Pike adjacent. Buuuut it was basically a big ol' hot mess.

- Callie is frustratingly dense. Like...GIRL. If you already look guilty, you're gonna look ten thousand times more guilty if you spend multiple days hiding from the police.
- The romantic relationship. Like...a kid who's still in middle school dating a sophomore? ICK. Hard pass. And even by the time the events in the book take place, he's 19 and in the National Guard and she's 16. No thank you please.
- The whole subplot with her brother being in jail for attacking their father was...really poorly explained.
- There was insufficient demonstration that the narrative was switching from the present to the past. Half the time, I was like "Wait, she's meant to be on the run. Why is she suddenly talking to Mia?? Ohhh. Flashback."
- I just didn't give a shit about who killed Katherine because she was a stone cold bitch.
SpoilerThe big reveal that Katherine was being a stone cold bitch because she was a lesbian who was in love with Callie and was trying to get her hetero ass to have WLW feelings was FUCKING STUPID. SO FUCKING STUPID. Not to mention rage inducing.

SpoilerSpeaking of, the whole thing with Dakota being like "I made Slade murder Katherine because I had lesbian feelings for her and I figured if she was dead, I'd stop liking girls" thing was BULLSHIT, especially because she was all "Slade was super hot and I was sexually attracted to him so I banged him a bunch of times". Girl. If you're sexually attracted to a dude and you act on that attraction multiple times? You ain't a lesbian. You bi. But of course we can't mention the word "bisexuality" no no no no no

- Honestly, if this has ended any other way, I might have given it 3 stars. But it didn't.
- 2 stars because at least it was fast paced.