A review by bookishtiff
DC Comics Novels - Batman: The Killing Joke by Gary Phillips, Christa Faust


I read The Killing Joke earlier this week most of which I read in a single night. My boyfriend absolutely loves The Killing Joke graphic novel. He's a huge batman fan. I on the other hand have never read any graphic novels and have been wanting to get into them. One thing I hate about graphic novels is that it's confusing on the order in which to read the speech and thought bubbles. That's why this book is so cool. It allows you to read the same content in the graphic novel but in novel form. The Killing Joke is a novelization of the graphic novel. My boyfriend says that it does have some different parts in the novel than the graphic novel.

Here's my thoughts on the book. I loved how it explained Jokers back story. I never knew why or how he became the Joker. I've never watched any Joker movies besides Suicide Squad but it doesn't explain how Joker came to be either. Knowing what I know now about the joker and if it's actually him telling the truth, he has a tragic backstory. I feel sorry for him. But that might be a trick. In the book we got to met multiple characters as the book is in third person point of view. We met Batman, Batgirl, Joker and a hand full of other criminals. The book does have some time changes but I found them helpful and necessary to get the back story involved. The beginning of the book hooks you. We find out that Joke has escaped Arkham Asylum. Then the book goes 10 days in to the past.

I thought the character's matched what I thought they would. I mean we all have an expectation for Batman and Joker even if when haven't read or watched anything about them. Just from the way everyone else talks about them. The plot was interesting. I wished that the point of view didn't change so much and that the vocabulary was a bit easier. There was a lot of words that was more advanced and I had to look them up on google. I would think that this book was meant for a younger audience but they might have trouble with the advanced vocabulary.

Overall I thought the book was good. I liked the ending and was happy that Barb aka Batgirl didn't give up after all. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes DC comics and graphic novels. I think this book maybe a stepping stone to get graphic novel readers into reading textual novels and vice versa Before I end this review I must talk about how beautiful this book cover is. Whoever designed this cover really out did themselves. It's so beautiful. I love the end pages they match the Joker's carnival walls saying HA HA all across the page. The naked book is a gorgeous lime green color that makes me instantly think of Joker's green hair. I'm so glad that Titan Books sent me this book for an honest review. I can't wait for the next books to come out in the series.