A review by kzimm2024
Poison or Protect by Gail Carriger


Not thrilled with the cover, saw an alternate one on Subterranean Press that was much better and made me want to read this book.

It was a little confusing at the beginning, I couldn't make out who the "Scotsman" was, and which one was her mark? The heroine was cool, collected and talented. But she was no match for THE CAPTAIN. He was awesome, portrayed as not one of your common brutes that just took what they wanted. No- he is turned on by the females' enjoyment, which makes him irresistible. 4 stars due to him alone.

Its not very steam-punky, the only thing that seemed different was the use of the "dirigible" to float along in a balloon rather than taking a coach. So it reads as a Victorian period drama. The premise is that the heroine (Pre-something) had killed her 4 husbands due to her assassins' lifestyle, but apparently 1 was an accident and 1 was old age? That could have been explained better.

Sex scenes were realistic and steamy, and restrained- so very well done Gail :)