A review by ameserole
Anna by Sammy H.K. Smith


I have received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Anna definitely seemed like it was going to be a pretty interesting and dark book. While it had it's dark and very cringe-worthy moments I honestly just couldn't get into the actual book.

What Anna went through was very gruesome and at times I had to take a breather from it all. I even opened a bottle of wine to help ease everything too. I just felt bad for the girl and what she was going through and it went on for half of this book!

I will be completely honest here - I wanted to throat punch Will repeatedly. He was awful and I absolutely hated him. The way he tried to break Anna and eventually succeed made me want to throw up. So when she became pregnant? Oh man - I just had a bad feeling.

After getting through the hard stuff, the second half just felt way different to me. Things moved a lot slower and I honestly had so many questions as to why things weren't always lining up or making sense to me. I'm not even sure how I feel now after finishing it late last night. Tons of questions are roaming around in my head and I really wanted answers before reading the very last word.

In the end, it was slightly disappointing but I am glad that I got the chance to dive into this one. It had potential to be a great dark book but ended up being okay.