A review by cherreadssharereads
The 5 Love Languages/Things I Wish I'd Known Before We Got Married Set by Gary Chapman


Second time reading Five Love Languages but I had a completely different take on it since I'm getting married in less than a month. Super helpful to break down and decipher my partner's language of love. I really enjoyed making both my sister and my partner take the assessment so I could get a sense of what both of them veer towards in comparison to each other and myself. I also thoroughly enjoyed reading about the things Chapman wished he knew about prior to getting married. I think most of those topics are hard and very often overlooked so I'm glad he talked about them. I spent time pestering my partner at the end of each chapter to make sure we were thinking about these things -- nothing we haven't talked about already and nothing that other married couples haven't already warned us about :) Overall, these two books are great resources to anyone pursuing a long-term relationship.