A review by yodamom
The Prince of Mist by Carlos Ruiz Zafón


(YA) Defiantly a horror novel, scary and thrilling, slowly creeping up behind you. : ) Clowns, it had to be clowns ?!?!?!? OK, they are only a small part but they pop up from the beginning on and they are just pure creepy.( Think-Poltergeist, the movie type clowns) The story starts with the main character a 13 year old boy and his family that has to leave his home because of the war. His family heads to a small beach town, where our boy Max meets Roland a lifelong resident that befriends him and introduces him to life in the town. Roland has a mysterious past and lives with his hermit grandfather in the lighthouse. Ah but there is more, Max's family reside in an old beach house with a dark history that is slowly revealed to them. Real Estate nightmare plus ! For more you have to read the book, it's a quick read.
This is my first read from this author and and his first novel. If his first was this good I can't wait to get to his later works.