A review by bluejaybooks
The Bitter Kingdom by Rae Carson


Third (documented) reread:
Perhaps the most amazing thing about my love of this series is that, despite giving it a four star rating, I actually had a hard time getting into book one. I think this may be the only time where I've been this happy I continued on with a series after not being thrilled with the first book.

That said, Storm and Alodia still totally deserve a novella devoted to their relationship ;)

Second (documented) reread:
So the last two books in this series were some of my favorite books as a teen (hence this book's inclusion on my "favorites" shelf and the five-star rating). Rereading it now, I'm not sure it would be if I read it for the first time today. There are some elements that make me wonder at the criticism it would receive if published in today's climate.

That said, the nostalgia is real.
Spoiler Also, Storm and the main character's sister are one of the few couples I actually ship. And I don't know why because they hardly get any page time together . . .