A review by shane
Incubus by Ray Russell


Wonderful novel. This is the story of an incubus, a creature that basically rapes women to death, and he does a very good job of it too when all's said and done. It all takes place in a small town called Galen, and the whole tale revolves around the search for the rapist who at first is thought to be nothing more than a very well endowed man. It soon becomes clear though that they're dealing with a much more dangerous creature than that, and so the search is on.

The sex, as you'd imagine is quite frequent but not too graphic surprisingly, given the subject matter. It begins to take up more and more of the novel towards the end but is never gratuitous(if you're the type to be bothered by such things) and is well written, as are the characters.

I took too long in reading this, and read it along with a few other books. I'd like to go back at some stage and re-read it over a much shorter time period and while reading nothing else at the same time since by the time I reached the end, I needed to flick back through the first half to remind myself of various details.

Oh well. A re-read certainly isn't going to be a chore with this one.