A review by ikovski
The End by Anders Nilsen


I read Big Questions this year and it was amazing. I just had fell in love with Nilsen's style.
SpoilerWhen I read about him I didn't add Don't Go Where I Can't Follow cuz' it looks devastating. So I knew his partner has passed away.
This one is devastating too.

This is about grief, sorrow, despair.
A graphic memoir and it's personal.
I saw ink smears, misdrawn lines, fingerprints.
I saw emotions in the way words are written.
It's sad; diving into blue (that he'd used as mono-color).
And then into the black (that he'd used as other mono-color).
It was beautiful.

I saw that there will be a Revised and Expanded Edition for this one. I wish I can have it one day.

devastatingly beautiful plus beautifully devastation minus zero

an @office reading.