A review by jamiebooksandladders
Wytchfire by Michael Meyerhofer

Did not finish book.
Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

DNF @ 26%

I was so intrigued by the premise of this one, especially since there was the promise of dragons. However, 26% and no dragons on the horizon. As well, the first 26% could have easily been condense into 15% or less. There were gratuitous scenes in which characters told the main character (aka the audience) about the plot and what was to come. This irked me to no end. And some of the scenes didn't even feel relevant! It just seemed like a way to move the character from point A to point B while "learning" about the plot. At 26% I should have SOME idea of what is going to happen and the summary should be starting to make sense, but I honestly can't say that is the case. Rowen is bland and unoriginal, the Shade even more so. This feels like a typical fantasy series about a Chosen One with dragons thrown in the mix. I am all for high fantasy/epic fantasy and realize that the plot needs time to develop but so far there has been only Rowen traveling, the Shade's girlfriend burning people to a crisp, and a mention that some people are basically descended from dragons. I need more to keep my attention and this one did not deliver.

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