A review by misssusan
The Fox's Window and Other Stories by Naoko Awa, Toshiya Kamei


you know i'm almost positive there must be quite a few japanese children's lit papers analyzing naoko awa's work and it's a shame they're not available in english because i'd like to read some analysis on the structure of these stories

i think i don't have the literary context to pin down what's happening, many of these stories lack the kind of definite ending you'd see in western fairytales but it feels like there's something purposeful about them. i think a good paper could help me understand more about the structural logic of the stories in this collection

anyways. i liked them. these are fairly quiet children's stories that are infused with a sense of the supernatural. a few feel tinged with melancholy but on the whole the storytelling style is straightforward and gentle in a way that makes any sadness feel okay. i'd read more of naoko awa's work. 4 stars