A review by gargamela
The Collected Tales of Nurse Matilda by Christianna Brand


Certain parts were clearly funny, especially does containing details of the children's shenanigans, but other parts were simply odd. For example, I would have liked to get more details on why Matilda was ugly and why she became beautiful when children stopped misbehaving and why this was her only character trait besides the fact that she had a magic stick and liked to punish children for being naughty. In addition, I found myself bored with the same pattern repeating itself - children are naughty, Matilda punishes them, children stop being naughty for a short while and then return to their old habits. However fun their shenanigans were, I became frustrated by the fact that they seemed to learn nothing and that they only stopped doing certain things because the punishment was too harsh. I clearly prefer Mary Poppins over Nurse Matilda any time of the day.