A review by jzpaul
The Midnight Library by Matt Haig


I actually really liked this book and would highly recommend it. I enjoyed the unique concept and application of it, however I feel like the death could've been done in a different manner (accident, illness etc) instead of what is clearly suicide. Because of the use of suicide, it took me a large portion of the book to consider it a book about anything other than committing suicide when in reality it was more about taking advantage of your life and accepting the existence of what ifs while being happy with your choices
So many good quotes but my favorites/ones I found the deepest:
"I was thinking of doing a half marathon but then I remembered I hate running"
"Nora had a familiar sense of grief, only the sertraline stopped her crying"
"So what are you feeling?" "Like I still want to die, I have wanted to die for quite a while. I have carefully calculated that the pain of me living...is greater than the pain anyone else will feel if I were to die"
"Want...is an interesting word. It means lack. Sometimes if we fill that lack then the original want disappears entirely. Maybe you have a lack problem rather than a want problem"
"Sometimes regrets aren't based on facts at all, sometimes regrets are just a... Load of bullshit"

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