A review by bookph1le
The Tea Dragon Society by K. O'Neill


This book was so beautiful, cute, and sweet. I absolutely adored it. Since I also loved Princess Princess Ever After, this isn't really a surprise. O'Neill's works are sweet, gentle, and magical.

I found the themes in this book so lovely. It has wonderful things to say about friendship and love, about preserving traditions, and about appreciating the beauty in simple objects. I really responded to the idea of the ways in which memory infuses the people and objects in our lives, which is something I think too many of us take for granted. What I mean by this is picture your favorite object and why it means so much to you. Chances are, there are a lot of important memories associated with it. I loved the way this book expressed that.

The artwork in this book is just so gorgeous too. The tea dragons and Brick are adorable, and the colors and details make the art so engaging that you just want to look at it for a good, long time. I suspect this is the kind of book where, upon each reread, you notice small details you didn't notice before.

Just plain magical. Now I want a cup of tea and the next book in the series!