A review by kaillem
Black Swan by Chris Knopf


This review is for a galley copy received through the Goodreads First Reads giveaway program.

I going to be honest. After trying for two months, I couldn't finish this book. There's nothing wrong with the writing itself--Chris Knopf does just fine with his prose. But the first third of the book is pretty slow. It takes a long time for the main thrust of the mystery to be introduced (a murder). And I just didn't connect with the characters.

Now. Keep in mind that this was my first Sam Acquillo novel. I don't think this is a good jumping-in point. If you're interested in these novels, I recommend starting at the beginning (I think book one is called The Last Refuge).

This book simply was not my cup of tea. There is no reason why it might not be yours, especially if you're already reading this series and enjoy these characters.

I've given this book three stars because I feel like that's the most neutral rating I can give. I don't want to hurt a good author's ratings just because the book wasn't for me. I'd be fine with trying out another book from this author, as long as it's the first book of a series or a stand-alone novel.