A review by subparcupcake
Monster Hunter International by Larry Correia


Five stars. I know. Crazy! I never in a million years imagined that I would love this book. I mean come on... Everything I had heard about it was just so far from what I usually go for, I thought I'd maybe like it and that's about all. I'm not into guns at all.. Urban Fantasy isn't my favorite genre.. Action and adventure? I like it and all, but I usually prefer a nice traditional Epic Fantasy. But MHI... It was just plain good.

Is it utterly brimming with gun porn? Yes. But there's so much more to it than that. If you're into guns, you'll likely love it. But even if you're not, like me, the gun porn isn't so overwhelming that it interferes with the story as a whole. Whenever it got all gun porny on me I would just change the description into something else in my head.. Hand gun, shot gun, machine gun, grenade, that's about the extent of my imagination and it did me just fine.

This is probably.. Scratch that, definitely.. The best Urban Fantasy I've read to date. Granted I haven't read much UF.. But it is hands down my favorite so far. It's just plain well written, funny, engaging.. It was never boring to me, I didn't want to put it down from start to finish. I can't wait to pick up the next book in the series.

Highly recommended!