A review by vikingwolf
Babet & Prosper, Collection I by Judith Post


Babet is a witch and Prosper is her bear shifter police detective boyfriend and together they try to solve mysteries, along with Morgana, Babet's faithful snake. This is a book made up of four novellas full of magic, paranormal activity and a touch of romance. I think I would describe them as cozy paranormal mysteries.

I'm not normally a romance kind of girl but the romance element works because we have a recently established couple who work well together professionally and personally. Both are characters that you instantly warm to which is something that I like about Judith Post's writing. Her characters are always ones you like and you care what happens to them. The side characters are interesting and add to the story.

I reviewed my two favourite stories below.

Magrat's Dagger:
The plot itself is a fight to control a magical dagger which is the only weapon that can stop a summoned demon. A group of coven witches died stopping him the last time he was summoned so now Babet and her friends must find a way to destroy him. Naturally the demon and his allies do not want this to happen and are determined to kill the witches and destroy the dagger. There was a good amount of action, the story was entertaining and I liked all the characters working together to avoid disaster.

A Different Undead:
Babet sees a witch on the street who is meant to be dead and discovers that a necromancer is raising the worst dead witches to form a dangerous army. Babet, the coven and the vampires need to stop them. I liked the uneasy relations between the witches and vampires as they try to stop a common enemy.

I enjoyed these well written tales and would have continued with all the novellas had they been available on paperback to go back to and read again. I use my ereaders for books that are to be read, so I don't store books on there for rereading in the future. And with my short term memory being bad, I like to get a real copy of the books I really enjoy so I have a permanent copy to refer to.

I would certainly recommend these novellas and the full length books that I have read by this author-Wolf's Bane and its sequel Shadow Demon.