A review by jch2022
The Forgotten by Tamara Thorne


From the back:

The Past...
Will Banning survived a childhood so rough, his mind has blocked it out almost entirely- especially the horrific day his brother Michael died, a memory that flickers on the edge of his consciousness as if from a dream.

Isn't Gone...
Now, as a successful psychologist, Will helps others dispel the fears the past can conjure. But he has no explanation for the increasingly bizarre paranoia affecting the inhabitants of Caldonia, CA, many of whom claim to see terrifying visions and hear ominous voices...voices that tell them to do unspeakable things...

It's Deadly...
As madness and murderous impulses grip the coastal town, Will is compelled to confront his greatest fear and unlock the terrifying secret to his own past in a place
where evil isn't just a memory...it's alive and waiting to strike...

I loved so many of the characters and Will's relationship with his three cats (Freud, Rohrshach and Jung) and his friends was a wonderful part of the book. I felt cheated at the end.Everything was so rushed and there were some illogical leaps to tie things up. So, while I liked most of the book I would hesitate to highly recommend it to someone.