A review by briarsreviews
The Moose Fairy by Steve Smallman


Not gonna lie, I judged a book by it's cover to grab this book. What can I say, a Moose Fairy is just way to interesting to pass up! Plus the squirrel, bunny and skunk on the cover make it stand out a lot.

This fun tale brings an adorable story to life. It makes magical times feel real and exciting, even if it's just a fictional story. There's a fairy club and our moose friend wants to join! It sounds perfect for Moose! The twirling, the singing and the glitter all sound so exciting, especially for Mr. Moose! The only problem... he doesn't fit through the tiny hole to the clubhouse! But when he comes to the rescue of his new friends, there might just be hope!

This book is so sweet and so cute. It brought so much happiness to my heart. I highly recommend it! A tale of friendship and fitting in, so great!

Five out of five stars!

Thank you NetGalley for giving me a free copy of this book in exchange of an honest review.