A review by ferrisscottr
Superman/Batman, Vol. 1: Public Enemies by Jeph Loeb


I am so loving that I committed to reading more graphic novels in 2014 because books like this are so much fun! I'm actually a Marvel guy and have never read much in the DC universe but this book was a blast.

Asteroid heading toward earth. President Lex Luthor offers a bounty on Superman (blames the asteroid on him) and an all out battle royal ensues. It's pretty much everyone against Superman & Batman - Soloman Grundy, Hawkman, Green Lantern, Power Girl (yea), Mister Freeze, Captain Cold, Mongul, Lady Shiva, Nightshade, Grodd and about 20 more that I didn't recognize. Reminded me of the job of reading Marvel's Secret Wars back in the 80's.

The story is much deeper than I'm giving it credit for but what I enjoyed was the fun


The fact that it was self contained (if you follow my reviews you'll know about my aggravation lately with books that can't seem to exist outside of a series).

Yes it could be better - there is still that cheesy DC universe to contend with but recommended nonetheless. A good way to spend a Sunday afternoon.