A review by wondaponda
A Song Called Home by Sara Zarr


This book was lovely. Lu was a layered, complex character who experiences incredible growth. At times her journey was difficult to read. Her life has been topsy-turvy due to her father's alcohol addiction for so long that she struggles to find balance. Between her mother's new (and fast-paced) marriage, her sister's fight for independence, and a move to a new house and school district... Lu has a lot going on. I love how realistic the descriptions of her house and former apartment were. Most middle grade tends to place their character in flawless environments. But Lu's was real, from the stains in the carpet to the old bunk bed. Prior to reading, I did not realize there were themes of Christianity, but they never felt overwhelming or overstated. Christianity was just a facet of the novel, not the main element.

The only reason I docked a star was for the lack of mental health awareness. Lu experienced a lot of trauma in her short life. This trauma resulted in frequent disassociation and kleptomania. While these issues seemed to improve the more stable her life became, she would have truly benefitted from seeing a therapist or counselor. There was some talk of Lu and her sister attending Alateen, but it just didn't feel like enough. However, this was a great read and is sure to bring comfort to many children facing similar difficulties.
