A review by songwind
The Guns of Empire by Django Wexler


The fourth book in the Shadow Campaigns is a solid continuation of the series, and went in some directions I didn't expect.

Winter and Marcus are both back with the army and Janus on the march. So is the queen, which I found a bit hard to swallow but just barely justified in-story, so I got over it.

Pretty big revelations in this volume, including some I definitely didn't expect - though not shocking. Just not what I'd have guessed was coming. Others had been well telegraphed over the past couple of books and were more along the lines of satisfying revelations.

This book also offered the realization of two of the most believable love stories I've read in non-PR fantasy lately. I frequently feel like new romantic relationships in fantasy happen too quickly, just popping into being. Wexler must feel the same, because the groundwork for both of these was laid in the previous book and blown into life in a very satisfying and believable manner.

I'm pretty fired up to finish things off in the next installment.