A review by bookcrazylady45
Beyond The Galactic Rim by A. Bertram Chandler


An anthology of short stories. Forbidden Planet has Grimes as Astronautical Superintendent for Rim Runners. Captain Clavering of Sally Ann is looking for charter and there is none but then there is a group of scientists wanting to go to Eblis and their ship is disabled so the Sally Ann takes them and Clavering gets an idea to set up a tourist camp on the planet so the ship will have work transporting tourists. (this takes place right before Contraband in Space) Wet Paint takes place a century before Grimes is born and Raul is a painter who brings animals he paints to life. He is taken to Earth. The Man Who Could Not Stop is a criminal who cannot stop committing crimes even though he gets caught every time and the punishment escalates. This time he is shanghaied by Captain Christopher along with other men who cannot be rehabilitated to crew a ship going into The Outside. The Key lead characters are Charles Merrill and Halvorsen a rich man searching for the Key. Unconnected to Grimes but Halvorsen was mentioned in Nebula Alert. He wants a Captain for his yacht Starmaid and Commodore Grimes didn't have a man to spare. Thermolyae is on Lorn for repairs to her tube plates so this book is right after The Rim of Space and before The Ship From Outside. The Key is the meaning of the Universe. They find the answer and don't like it.