A review by kkyulkive
One True Thing by Nicole Hayes


This wasn't anything amazing but it was really fun and easy to read. I loved the fact that it was set in my home town of Melbourne because you don't see many stories set here and it was exciting trying to identify the different places discussed!

I did really enjoy getting to know the characters and while Frankie did seem rather immature at times, she was still a likeable character who you could really see grow throughout the process of the story. I only wish there had been more development for some other characters, because while Frankie was portrayed really well, there were some other characters such as Kessie and Jake who are quite vague, despite their big role in her life.

Plot wise, it wasn't anything incredible. It could be slow at times, but even so, I loved how every character and everything that happened either had an obvious plot reason, or was there to build on a character.

All in all, while it wasn't as exciting as it sounded, I did really enjoy reading this!