A review by nenya_kanadka
The Interstellar Age: Inside the Forty-Year Voyager Mission by Jim Bell


Man. I read a lot of science fiction, so you'd think I'd be fairly blasé on the subject of planets. But the real thing? Is so much more amazing and fantastic and delightful and awe-inspiring and just plain weird.

This book got off to a bit of a slow start (the writing didn't grab me quite as much initially as the Mars Curiosity Rover book I read earlier this year) but overall it was pretty great. I especially appreciated that the author talked about so many of the female scientists and NASA personnel who'd worked on Voyager and that he'd known. It's probably still a majority-boys-club, but it was really neat to have women's accomplishments being recognized and their memoirs shared like that, seamlessly alongside their male peers.

The one thing I'd change about this book is the pictures. It needed about three times as many, minimum! It did pretty well covering what was on the Voyager Golden Record, but it didn't even have a whole picture for each of the gas giants. Needs more pix. Otherwise, would rec.